Using Your LearnSense

Our approach: foster learning ability using learning science, engineering, and technology.

Do you consider what you need to learn?
Learning is an active process. Whether delivered by a facilitator or technology, it requires time and effort. Time and effort requires thinking ahead and planning

Do you use the right strategies at the right?

We believe that assessing your strengths and challenges produces better outcomes.  Testing produces scores -- not learning. Assessing produces learning not just a score.

Do you evaluate and reflect on what you've learned?

Both success and failures can benefit for an evaluation of what you've learned, how important is what you've learned, and what you need to improve.

Do You Have LearnSense?

LearnSense means that you know yourself as a learner. This includes both your strengths and weaknesses. You also recognize what, why, and how you learn, regardless of the learning environment?
Do you have the right skills to do that?

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